The walk from Zurich to Lausanne is way shorter, 170 km beeline. And this time I thought, it would be nice to walk less, just to have the time to jump in the water on a hot day, and do not to suffer so much on body pain as last time.
As it appears now, the idea was good, but the terrain is crossing my plan of recreation heavily - I didn't have been aware of it on the map, but using the google earth profiler something unexpected appeared.
First the profile of the walk to Munich:
Second the way to Lausanne:
(Attention: the length and the height in both graphs are not the same, they are stretched to fit into the same box)
Obviously this way is much more hilly.
If you just mention the first rise at the left, approx. 4 km: that's the mount Albis... and the Albis is already something to walk over. Measured on that, I have to walk now about 8 of it, almost one for every day. Cheers! On a good day I could have even 2 of it.
But at least I will have a good view on many times.
These have been the facts. Now the fiction: the scheduling of the walk.
I plan to start to walk at Thursday, June 21 2011, if nothing is disturbing (hail, thunderstorms, diseases, panic...) this would be the stages:
Thu July 21: From Zurich to Boswil in the Freiamt
Fri July 22: From Boswil to Rickenbach, close to the Sempachersee (lake).
Sat July 23: From Rickenbach to Willisau
Sun July 24: From Willisau to Sumiswald
Mon July 25: From Sumiswald to Muri/Bern
Tue July 26: From Muri to Rüschegg
Wed July 27: From Rüschegg to Marly/Fribourg (language boarder!!)
Thu July 28: From Marly to Autigny
Fri July 29: From Autigny to Rue/Moudon or Oron... depends a little bit to my final track plannings and the free hotel room situation
Sat July 30: from there to Lausanne - today I think, I will hate myself in the future, if I wouldn't cheat the concept at the end and take a walk a little bit to far in the south, to see the Lavaux from inside... I'll see.
x x x x CALL x x x x
Who ever like to be involved in real, for one daytrip or even longer: this above is the schedule. Of course I can't promise if I stick to it or if I get delayed - the frequent infos on my twitter account will indicate my progress/inform about changes:!/Zueri_Lausanne
Appointments with me could be done via twitter messaging or by contacting me with a text on my mobile: +41 76 563 73 85.
1. I guarantee for nothing.
2. Everybody is responsible for his/her own accommodation and aliment (but I could tell, where I think I go to sleep at the relevant evening). I suggest to carry an apple and one banana for surprising hunger, some grape sugar against lack of energy and a container for about one litre of water and of course enough money... I prefer to buy my food in stores, petrol stations and restaurants (less to carry).
3. I have nothing to spare: decide for clothes that are suitable for the (weather) conditions of the relevant day(s).
4. Usually I try to leave places with breakfast at 8 am, places without already at 7 am.
I don't know yet, when I arrive at the evening, latest about 5 pm is the target.
But keep in mind: I break for nobody, and gentlemen never run.
If you are still curious: I look forward to meet you.