Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Training 12, Wed. July 6, 2011, around Maur, distance 25 km, in the summer heat

It was 7:45 am when I arrived in Maur. There is not much to say about that town, only, that it joins more or less the coastline of the lake Greifensee. So I decided quite early to take that walk on a hot day, like today. 

Directly after my arrival I was staring into this black hole - for me it was clear this is the entrance into that evil town behind, so I took a big detour.

Right above it a witness of another time.

"Watch into the country"

Another successful attempt to create a big part of the village without any distinction.
Contemporary local 'Plattenbau' - probably in ten years they will start to paint every one in a different colour.

Good friends of nature are taking the car to get into the forest, like this time of missing each other is much shorter.

Yeah, don't have been that slim since ages, and it didn't took years, not months, not weeks, just a second.

Well, there is something good about that parking lot - it's not in the middle of the forest.

Smallest airport in the metropolitan region of Zurich.

Just a nice selection of trees.

In my opinion dogs are the minor problem:

Welcome to Texas, Maur.

Somebody came with a watercolour palette

Landscape in Switzerland is readable like a book, literally, you can't walk more as a kilometre without getting educated by any sign.

 Another national major mountain.


The Forch Monument is a memory of the Swiss soldiers who died during WW1.
Beside of the 8-10 Millions of soldiers who died in whole Europe, also about 3'000 Swiss soldiers died, mostly because of the Spanish flu - well, you know, all neighbours have been building such things, so luckily they found also a reason here to build that. But it was about 16 years earlier as the Endless Column by Constantin Brancusi.

This is exactly, like an inn at that place should look.

Nice house with a greasy surface.

I think, the region of Zurich is misnamed with 'metropolitan region', Nashville would fit - and more people would be happy.

A lot of Peter Pan trouble is going on.

Another mystery of photography: dangerous verticals situations in reality looks just declivous on pictures.

I'm lost in the eye of the information.

Restaurant with very simple opening times: only by snow.

"Tread on it on own risk"
And another time during this preparation walks I played with my life.

But this picture was worth the price.

No, I have really no explanation - I just like this little wooden cottages.

It's so contemporary!!!

At least a certified information: I did not half the walk, but I did already more as 12 km.

It's a pity they didn't refused completely to have windows.

What art can't afford.

Actually, Rorschach was Swiss.

Analyse this!

Real land art.

The checkpoint where I was searching for an entry into that forest.

This was motivating.

About the power of human:
There is a band what had about one pinboard chart hit about 25 years ago - and since than they are filling with that only song the biggest music arena in the country.

Without the fault it wouldn't be the same.

Other people's nemesis is a big white whale - my one is a stupid grey bird.

Convincing sign - rejecting opening times.

Another invitation to play with my live - what I can't refuse.

First suicidal approach.

Because it was that nice (for me) - here a close up.

Ok, I'm not the same good as Miroslav Tichy yet - but hey: I'm about 50 years younger, means alive - and not at least: digital.

What else pictures could be done on such a hot day?

Another nice farm, with shop.

The self-service shop.

Farmers sense of humour.

And the nice neighbour house (mind the forecourt design, the street is going until the house)

Looks like I walked to far, until Scandinavia.

When I took that picture, this was the nicest greyish gradient I've ever seen. Now on the picture it's just the lakes surface.

A camping pueblo.

 It's just what it is.

Have been here already, almost 4 month ago:
I think, I like the concept of seasons.

Just in the name of beauty.

An impact of traffic what Erich Mendelsohn never dared to dream of.

Without the wood it would look boring - without the glass it would burn better.

Looks like somebody had a little business idea in that town.

In Poland they had the Moloka bars, we had the Milchhüsli (milk cottage) at least in my earliest childhood. This one was make me feel good.

Back to start - about 7 hours later.

Well, one little thing is left to say: proportions is obviously not part of the building laws here.

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