Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Training 13, Sun. July 17, 2011, up the river Sihl (16 km)

At my last visit in one of this outdoor/trekking shops they told me, that the most exciting thing to have is now merino wool. I put all my financial capacity into high-end synthetics that already oil production companies started to like me personally and now I should change everything into that basic material.
In matters of reducing pain I'm very willing to follow new movements, so I gave that thing a chance, first with one pair of socks.

I started the day pretty much at 7 am at the lovely Sihlquai. Just about two months in ahead this place was still crowded with all the symptoms of street prostitution. But the city decided to clean that thing up.
Everything has improved since than - the avalanche of gentrification took over another spot.

The beginning of the river Sihl... some people would say that should be at spring, but I'm not sure about. I think, the rivers have been named at their most powerful site, and after the name were growing from there until the finest parts. Or was it democratic decision of all the people who have been living on it? Anyway: how get mountains their name? I can imagine, that they had a different name from every valley they have been seen - and somebody fixed it, as the first map has been drawn. We don't know.

The Sihl is the smaller of the both rivers in the city of Zurich, but it is punished much more.
Here it has to crawl through the railway station, between the ground level and the subways underneath of it.

Maybe even because of this permanent punishments it's not so much trusted as the bigger river, the Limmat: all the houses have way more distance to its surface.

I mean to remember, that the 'Neue Börse' (new stock exchange) was nationally awarded once as a trend-setting building... times changed.

One part from the landlord was ordering this nice wall painting to amuse the public, the other part ordered the privacy screen.

 Fascism likes to appear together with competitive sports.

As I told.

The human scale.

Another treatment they invented for that river.

It was probably in the 1950ies, when the auto enthusiasm was the biggest in Switzerland, where they had the idea to bring the national motorways directly into the heart of the city to spice it up with life. Because Zurich was already existing and it was not the same easy as let's say in Paris to brake hundreds of houses down to do so, somebody, probably the most clever one of all developers had the idea to build it above the river, because like that nobody will loose something.
After that the 1980ies came, with them the waldsterben and the opinion changed - this happened right here.


Two wall flowers.

The renaissance of gesture - the death of a formerly hip brand:
He's holding a iPhone without having one in the hand.

In matters of a secularised society I read often 'paradise', and mostly in combination with 'children'.

On the first look it appears like perfect condition for natural grass - but probably the groundsman decided, it's way better to have artificial ones.

"Kunst muss hängen", Martin Kippenberger
The Smiths: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AlH2oYedfk

Thanks, I'm fine.

Dragoon - any sexual insinuations are completely accidental.

The "we had a outstanding night" monument

And the "we swear our clique will never tear" piece.

Where the Sihl feels a little bit like the Thames.

When men would really (without any disturbance) rule the world.

And right after pushing the button I've got the feeling, that somebody else must have made that picture already in the past.

The last piece of resistance.

Swans in Sunday suits.

Nice planning - looks even nicer on the picture without the railway tracks right beside of it.

The truth might be somewhere in there.

The impact of "Lord of the rings" to our society.

Once in the night Christo was sneaking by.

Yes, my curse is broken.

Another treatment.

And suddenly nobody knew anymore what to tell.

It was the only toy they could find what was fitting to the house.

And suddenly they fall like leaf in the fall.

Maybe punk is not dead, but hip hop definitely is.

In fact it's way easier to make documentation shots of winding towers.

But it could be also art...

How Bernd and

Hilla started their working day.

The occasion was human.

Just the weather might be nicer.

Somehow everything ended at the moment when Mickey decided to be a two-dimensional life form.

A succesesful get-together of culture and nature.

The urbanists survival camp.

This river breathes a lot.

A roof like the weather.

And the impact of hundred years wood impregnation to the ground.

After 3.5 hours of walking, and 16 km distance I gave up - it was the rain.
But at least because of that, the museum shop in the wilderness park got one visitor at that day.

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