Friday, 1 July 2011

Training 11, Wed. June 29, 2011, around Stallikon, distance 30 km (incl. detours)

This was the day, when I was about to walk around Stallikon (don't be silly, already my mobile was kidding permanently and was changing Stallikon into stallion... after a while that's not funny anymore).
Weather forecast was rather sure, that there would be some thunderstorms, well, the day before was sunshine and something above 30 degrees temperature. Rain seemed pretty fine to me.

Well shrunken shoes for city hikers.

Somewhere out there are people, who don't believe in dinosaurs.
But beside of all fossil evidences, horse tail is kind of a stepchild in time, what is telling nothing else as the story of a chewing brontosaurus behind the next tree/fern.

The stonee brothers have been the toughest guys in town since ages. Not even one single wink during the whole tattooing session!

This is the way, where I would be intended to come back.

As soon the community has no budget left to pay that flowers on every village entrance they declare bankruptcy.

O.K.: What you could see on this picture is, how steep this passage is, but what you can't see is, how exhaustive and long that way was, you don't get any impression, how sultry the air was.

There is a plant, that put all its effort into one single berry and it is representing it like on a golden salver. I'm rather sure, it's not the most exquisite thing that I ever ate in my live, it's more like the last thing...

A real organic candy shop.

I see the marks, but where is the path?

I'm a spider web cleaner and I'm okay
I sleep all night and I work all day
He's a spider web cleaner and he's okay 
He sleeps all night and he works all day

Guess, this is was more a service to my follower as on the natural environment.

- but more fascinating was the fact, that I was - in the same time when I was singing this classic hikers song above - thinking about a complete different song:

As we have seen some pictures above, there are some communities, they have so much money, they even don't know how the get rid of it.
This, en contraire, seems like a very clever idea: a library bench.

With a broad selection of books (in relation to other forest benches).

Paranoia supreme.

The best is the visualisation of the water.

Sometimes there is nothing better as to be right here, right now.

If you think, that looks rather strange in our latitude: I have to say it's even worse in the rain.

Self-image of Swiss villagers.

It's a street, it's a street, it's a street, but during rain, the idea of driving in a car through the rain, listening some good music, is a very welcoming one.


I felt very sheltered here. After some meters the situation became narrowere, and I felt much more like a car in a car wash.

I was rather sure, when I will follow that path, I will be Blair witched.

Burj Chalifa, Swiss Edition

This is rain, and it is wet.

And beautiful.

Best tree trunk sculpture everywherr - forget all the owls and mushrooms.

There is an old German proverb about right behaviour during thunderstorms:

Vor Eichen sollst du weichen,
Buchen sollst du suchen.

Thou shalt avoid oak
beech you should seek

After some heavy researches, they figured out, that this rule is not correct (I don't have any information, how many scientists died during this observation), they believe any tree is a killing trap.
With my experience I would say know, that they just understand it in the wrong way; probably the proverb was never about flashes, just about rain. I figured out, that below beeches you could stay try for a very long time.

The appearance would just slightly change with sunlight.

Haha, the mount Albis is already boiling from anger, because he knows, I will defeat him again today.

At least in this moment I was the most exciting thing on the whole earth for three foreign subjects.

Maybe I really should buy myself a wooden trekking pole.

A very self-evident renovation.

Believe me or not, but this house is in the middle of the forest - and the owner have been very pissed that I found it, anything just because I was following the community boarder.

But the biggest task on mount Albis is, to find a track, where no biker have been on it.

Run, Fury, run!

Into the void.

Sorry for these pictures - but it was such a great experience to be in the middle of the steam, and to realise in the same time, that I was one of the biggest producer of it.

No, no gorillas around.

Actually, without a clear view, and without the light of the sun I lost my way, one our later, I came back to that point.

This tree was erected by the Federal office of Meteorology and Climatology.
Very powerful, good climate.

Under certain conditions architecture is allowed to be funny.

I'm not sure, if he's getting the joke.

Well, the best joke is not funny anymore after telling it three times.

The Blair witch kindergarten.

Finally, at top of the cableways Adliswil I met some - well, let's say pedestrians.

And from now on I had to run - in one hour I had to catch the train.

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